Who Knew World Peace was as Easy as some…Nail Polish?

An Israeli, an American, an Arab and an Ethiopian – I connected with each of these women on Tuesday with the powerful tool of nail polish. Let me back up a bit…


It has been quite a while since I have written on Tea & Pancakes. A lot has happened since my last post. So just to catch you up: I am currently studying at Midreshet Harova for the year, which is located in the heart of the Jewish Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem. Living IN the historical and religious hub of the world,  I have easy access to meeting people of various religions, ages and hearing languages from across the globe.

Every Tuesday, 3 other girls from my school and I volunteer at Hadassah Har Tzofim, a hospital located on Mount Scopus, Jerusalem. Together, we visit women who have just given birth and women who are on bedrest. We have about an hour and a half to visit, do activities, and help these women in any way we can.

 Although I have been learning Hebrew since I was in 1st grade, sadly, my Hebrew is not up to par. Hence, I was a bit nervous in the beginning of this project because I knew the language barrier would be a challenge. However, I quickly learned that you do not need many words in order to generate a connection with someone. We wanted to do activities with these women that would be fun, engaging and would help put a smile on their faces through this stressful and overwhelming time. Finally, we got the idea to give them manicures! Running to get a manicure is the last thing on these women’s “to-do lists”. In my opinion,  having a bright color on your nails just makes you feel more put together and fierce (which these women 100% are). So, I brought in my handy dandy bag of nail polish, cotton balls and nail polish remover and began to work! One of the other girls from Harova and I went from room to room with the same intro line “Shalom! Anachnu hitnatvut po, at rotza lak tzipornaim?”, Translation: “Hi! We are volunteers here, would you like some nail polish?”. At this point, we will either get a response of “No thank you”, “Yes!! WOW! This is the best” or even “I’m sorry I’m going into the delivery room in 20 minutes so I can’t…but thank you anyway”. This conversational Hebrew was always udnerstandable and easy to make quick conversations with people. However, I soon learned that when you have a COMPLETE language barrier with someone, you don’t need any words to make a simple bond. You learn to use different gestures to communicate. Such as facial movements like  smiling, making eye contact or lifting your eyebrows to emphasize something. Even using the “Tarzan” technique of pointing to myself and saying “Talia” and then pointing to them, has allowed me to learn their names as well. I think this is an exceptional experience that is only unique to Israel due to its diversity from literally all over the world. Even the nurses hail from countries like Sweden, France and Russia, and they have all united in Israel.

I would be lying if I said that Israel has no issues with its residents, but people somehow still live their regular day to day lives. They go to work, bring their children to school, go to restaurants, and even go to hosptials to have babies. So, just keep in mind that what you hear on the news, what is being posted on Facebook or said at your Shabbat table, may not be the whole story. The simplest things can unite people and sometimes all it takes is a smile and some bright red nail polish.


Internship #2

July 11, 2016

Wow. It’s been almost 2 weeks since I was in LA and working at SoulPancake. I had 1 week “off” to just chill and today I began my next internship for the summer (I like being busy)

I am volunteering in the ER at Beth Israel Hospital and today was my first day-Obviously i have a picture as well:


So legit with a badge and everything!

So, I’m not really qualified to do anything actually medical, but I am still in and out of the ER all day. As a volunteer, I bring people into the ER and into the correct pod and bed, bring them food and water, run things up to the lab and blood bank and make sure people are mostly happy while they wait for the nurses and doctors to assist them. When I first got there I finally had that moment of realization that the ER is nothing like it is on Grey’s Anatomy…although I wish it was that dramatic and all, but it’s still really cool! There are 3 different areas, or we call them “pods”, in the ER so I am constantly walking through all 3 making sure people are comfortable.

Crazy how different this internship is compared to SoulPancake….But I’m trying to get a little taste of everything while I can. Be back soon with more fun posts in the next upcoming weeks. BYE!


…And That’s A Wrap

June 30, 2016

Wow. I cannot believe that my internship with SoulPancake has come to an end. It was honestly one of the best experiences of my life. I learned so much, tried new things, and worked with such interesting, funny and talented people. It is extremely bittersweet that it has ended.

As for my last day, I obviously couldn’t just have a “normal” day at the office. So, I brought in Krispy Kreme doughnuts (thank you Peggy!) and ENSURED that everyone wear the hats as well (see pictures below). It was really nice to bring this treat in, because I got to teach a everyone in the office that there is a lot of good (yummy) food that people who keep Kosher can eat 😉 Over this entire internship I got to teach people about how Kashrut works, why we do it, and how we do it- it was really eye-opening to see people’s reactions to someone for the first time who keeps Kosher.

Additionally, I MUST showcase my fellow crazy, funny and brilliant interns: Ford, Nabil, Denise, Chris, Ben, and Eliza.


Us Krazy Kats


Us trying to be a little normal

Thank you SoulPancake for such an amazing and memorable experience! Can’t wait for my new adventure, where ever that may take me. And of course, always “Chewing on Life’s Biggest Questions”

See ya on the East Coast!


MOTS: 2016 Summer Interns Edition

June 26, 2016

You may be thinking….hmmm what could “MOTS” stand for? Well I am here to answer that question, and no it has nothing to do with that applesauce company. MOTS stands for “Man On The Street”, a continuous series on SoulPancake’s YouTube Channel that is made by the interns. Astonishingly, us 8 interns wrote, directed, produced and organized the entire shoot. If you have seen the other “Man On The Street” videos (which you should have by this time in the post) you see that we go out to the public and ask strangers thought-provoking, meaningful and fun questions.  Below is a picture I took while we were interviewing a young boy 🙂 FullSizeRenderI’m not going to give away what the questions we asked this past Friday were, so you will just have to wait for the video to be posted…which might be a couple months. With editing, creating the intro, adding music, and getting it approved, this could take a bit of time, so just have some patience.

My job on the shoot was Co-Interviewer/ Recruiter. So, I would help one of the other interns, Ben, ask the questions to the interviewees. However, you may wonder how we find the charismatic, interesting and cool people. Well, we have people, like myself, who go up to random strangers and ask them if they have ever heard of SoulPancake and ask if we can ask them some simple, yet stimulating questions. Some people are crazy enough to actually do it, while others just aren’t in the mood or are too shy. But it was so fun going up to random strangers and having these conversations with them.

It was honestly crazy when I found out that the entire video process would be done literally start to finish ONLY BY US INTERNS! (the other interns were making fun of me). I said to one of the interns, Denise (who is featured in the picture above working the camera), “Wait, you guys know how to handle all those fancy cameras and know how to make a REAL video!?” She started laughing and responded back stating that that is exactly what she, and the other interns, are in school for. They are all learning about filming, animation, directing, producing, acting and even theatre! My shock still didn’t set in while we were filming and can be seen in the picture below.



Crazy how I only have 3 days left with SoulPancake 😦 but don’t worry, I’ll have a couple more posts to come before I leave. Thank you to all those people that are reading this and continued reading this long post- you guys are my TRUE readers!


West Coast Round 2

June 15, 2016 

I’M BAAAACCCCKKKKK!!! Yup, that’s right! I’m back in LA to finish up my internship at SoulPancake (Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Tumblr)-just needed to do that 🙂 I am only here until June 30th, (aka my sister’s birthday- shout out to Elisheva). So I will be packing in lots of exciting things for these last couple of weeks.

Almost 2 weeks ago I spoke at my graduation as class speaker. If you haven’t already seen the video, click here to check it out: MY SPEECH!!!  In my speech I spoke about an Instagram picture that I designed, which was posted by SoulPancake. (Listen to the speech to understand the meaning behind it all) Here is the image that was posted: Screen Shot 2016-06-15 at 2.20.22 PM

As you can tell in this picture, that the cap is not animated, and that is because the graphic designer and I spent 2 hours cutting construction paper, taping, glueing and sparkling until we got this beauty. IMG_8664We made everything from scratch, which is why I loved speaking about this post in my speech  because I literally made it with my two hands. However, there was still lots of editing that needed to get done before posting. On the right is a “behind the scenes” shot of us taking the picture (thats Chelsea, the graphic designer who helped me with this). It was awesome to be a part of the whole social media process.

Overall, I am pumped for these next 2 weeks and I have lots of exciting news, updates and things to tell you all about!

Signing off for the first time as an official “High School Graduate”!


Graduation Day

June 6, 2016

Hello East Coasters! This is my first blog entry being home in NY. It’s crazy to think that I am graduating from high school today! AND, now I can officially announce that I will be  speaking at graduation tonight as CLASS SPEAKER!! My class chose me to speak on behalf of the entire grade and I am honored to speak.

I honestly cannot believe that I am graduating today! I feel so old!! Not only have these past few months been exciting and such a whirlwind, but these past 4 years in high school have been thrilling as well. I have grown so much since I was just a little, baby 15 year old coming from SAR into 9th grade at an all girls high school. I have met amazing teachers and friends along the way that I will cherish forever.

I can’t wait to take on new adventures, start news schools and meet more people! After I go back to LA to finish up my internship, all I have is the rest of the summer and then Harova…here I come!

Mazal Tov to the class of 2016! WE DID IT!!


Last Day of Trip #1

June 1, 2016

WOW. I cannot believe that I am already concluding trip #1. This has been such an exciting and action-packed month and I cannot wait to continue this adventure on June 14th when I come back. Couple of exciting things happened today:

  1. Rainn Wilson nonchalantly walked by my desk TWICE and smiled at me. I was going CRAZY on the inside. All I wanted to do was make The Office jokes…but I needed to contain myself.
  2. There is this huge board of photographs on everyone that has every worked here before and I found my picture! AND…I am diagonally across from Rainn…just saying 🙂  Look at the pic ———–>



  3. I met other interns that I will be working with when I get back. They are all so nice and cool. AND I found out that as interns we have a project that we do together and we will be making a couple videos as part of the “Man on the Street” playlist. Check it out, they have some really fascinating videos already! We have been brainstorming on some ideas and I can’t wait to film them!!
  4. I am so excited to come back home and see everyone! I have so much planned for when I get back: Senior dinner, Graduation, Senior trip, the Israeli Day Parade, and Shavuot. AHH I’M SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!



My next post will be continuing my adventures in NY, so see ya on the East coast!




We had memories of a lifetime- Taking me to the park and always buying me 2 strawberry shortcake ice creams frmo the ice cream truck, scrubbing me skin good, letting me do your hair before you left, making me go crazy with “this little piggy…”, cutting mango and salting it properly, and always giving the best and tightest hugs.

You taught me to stand up for yourself, not let “No man hurt you”, respect my parents, value my education, follow my passions and most importantly, that you are NEVER too old or too heavy to sit on someone you love’s lap.

You showed us that you don’t need to have the same last name, skin color, or country of orgin in order to be part of a family. You were another grandma to me-my family from Guyana

I miss you so much, Emma. I will love you forever.

– Your Chanumamu, Talia

Let’s go to the beach, each Let’s go get away

May 26, 2016

Before I begin, if you don’t understand the title, then you probably think I am crazy and think what the heck goes on in my head. But, it is a stanza in a beautifully written poem by Ms. Nicki Minaj. So, NO, I am NOT crazy….all the time.

Today we all went to Zuma Beach which is about an hour or so away from LA. It was so beautiful! Apparently from April- May there is a whale migration where the whales go from Alaska south to Mexico for the summer, so we saw some whales! We also saw dolphins jumping out of the water. Like you know in cartoons when you see them swimming and then they jump out in and into the water??? YA WE SAW THAT!! It was amazing! Additonally, Rachel and I obviously needed to have a photo shoot on the beach- so here are some pics of that 🙂

We then met Haskel’s parents for a yummy lunch at Tierra Sur which is at the Herzog Winery. I was stuffed after! Later we went back and began cooking for Shobbis.

Friday there is a Yard Sale at the SoulPancake office where we are selling old props, set walls, equipment, and office furniture! So if you happen to be in LA and want something fun to do, LET ME KNOW! (for the times and address you can email me at: talia.kupferman@gmail.com)




May 25, 2016

Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Night for everyone who is reading across all the different time zones. Today SoulPancake put out an amazingly funny video called “SING, DANCE, COOK!” Where the cast of “The Office” showed up at a random family’s house and put on an entire game show for them and the family were the judges. IT.WAS. HILARIOUS. Watch the video HERE and I’m telling you, you won’t stop lauging- Also, if you look at the comments on the bottom, the SoulPancake post we me 😉

Screen Shot 2016-05-25 at 11.11.46 AM


Additionally, I haven’t done an Outfit Of The Day post in a while, so here is my #OOTD for today! There are some days where I want to dress fancy but there are also other days where I just want to be comfy, but still stylish. So this is my simple, comfy, chic outfit.

That’s my summary for the day- check back soon for more updates!
